Warren County Foundation

Name of Non-Profit Organization *
Warren County Foundation
Today’s Date: * Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Organization’s website http://www.warrencountyfoundation.org
EIN / 501(C)(3)Number *
What year did your organization receive it’s non-profit status? *
Address *

118 E. Main Street
Lebanon, OH 45036
United States
County *
Point of Contact for Magnified Giving Youth * Mike McGinty
Point of Contact’s Title *
Point of Contact’s Email Address * mmcginty@warrencountyfoundation.org
Point of Contact’s Phone Number (513) 265-6546
Executive Director’s Name *
Tom Seddon
What is the mission of your organization?
To enhance the quality of life in Warren County by encouraging and facilitating charitable giving and making it convenient, flexible, and effective
Which social causes (up to 3 choices) does your agency address through its programming? *
  • (5) Education
  • (8) Health
  • (11) Poverty
Any comments about your selections you would like to share with the student philanthropists?
“Helping People Help Our Community” is our theme as we work with organizations, families, and businesses with their charitable giving
Does your organization have volunteer opportunities available for students? *
Yes, Grades 9 – 12
List possible volunteer opportunities -or- a link to where they can be found on the web.
We can work with students based on their interests and availability.
Student Connection Preference (click all that apply): *
  • Email Us at the Point of Contact Phone Number